Effective communication is a difference maker. In fact, the difference between triumph and failure, the difference between esprit de corps and dysfunction, the difference between growth and contraction – and certainly the difference between positive and negative public perception – can all come down to effective communication.
That’s why we want to promote this Harvard Business Review article by Matt Abrahams, “A Simple Hack to Help You Communicate More Effectively.” It is a framework for communicating with your audience, be they staff, the public, customers, the media, or elected officials.
The hack for effective communication
What’s the hack for effective communication? A reliable communication structure comprising three simple questions:
Describe and define the facts, situation, product, position, etc.
So What?
Discuss the implications or importance for the audience. In other words, the relevance to them.
Now What?
Outline the call-to-action or next steps, such as taking questions or setting up a next meeting.
Abrahams, M. (2024, January 4). A simple hack to help you communicate more effectively. Harvard Business Review.
That’s it. Simple and effective.
But any “hack” is only as useful as it is memorable. So, for the sake of effective communication, we made it visual: a short reel that will help you remember the What, So What, Now What Framework.
So, the next time you have to deliver a message, the next time you’re speaking, writing, storytelling, or creating anything for a specific audience, don’t wing it. Have a plan and a method, and make sure you’re communicating effectively.
Want a use-case example?
This article. We used the What, So What, Now What Framework.
Effective communication can be the difference between triumph and failure.
So What?
The What, So What, Now What Framework is a tool for effective communication.
Now What?
Use the Framework and follow North Coast Communications for more digital PR and communications expertise.
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And don’t wing it. Follow North Coast Communications on social media for expert advice on communications and digital public relations.